Troy Adcox was born in Jackson,Ms. on 7-31-68. He moved to Dallas when he was 3 years old. Born into a musical family, he began piano lessons when he was only 7 years old. His mother and younger brother both played the piano and began teaching other students. When Troy's Mom was giving a piano lesson to Jeff Wade's Mom one day, Troy and Jeff became friends.
A few years later Troy and his brother Eddie began playing instruments in a church in Cockrell Hill,Tx. Later, they began playing in Jeff's Dad's church and a musical friendship had been created. Growing up Troy was influenced by Christian rock groups like REZ and Petra and Stryper. His drumming influences include Louie Weaver, Robert Sweet, Alex Van Halen, Neil Peart, Nicko McBrain, Keith Moon , Wes Wade , and more recently, Jesse Norcross.
He chooses to play YAMAHA drums and Zildian cymbals. The most important people in his life are his son, Michael and his bandmates, who he personally feels are the best undiscovered musicians in Texas! In high school Troy and his close friend, Guitarist, Walter Pierson got together and started jamming 80's metal tunes and soon began writing songs together.
Along with Eddie Ruiz and Frank Ramirez they formed their first band Backflash in 1985 and later after Frank moved away the guys contacted their good friend Jeff Wade to join to play bass.
On September 20, Troy and bandmate Jennifer were wed.